Regulation Best Interest for Investors
When we provide you with a recommendation as your broker-dealer or act as your Investment Advisor, we have to act in your best interest and not put our interest ahead of yours. At the same time, the way we make money creates some conflict with your interest. You should understand and ask us about these conflicts because they can affect the recommendation and Investment Advice we provide you.
This portion of our website provides potential and existing clients of our Financial Service Representatives information and important disclosures about Independent Financial Group. It also provides tools and resources to educate potential and existing clients about general topics related to investing with our Representatives.
Understanding the Difference Between Brokerage and Investment Advisory Services
Independent Financial Group, LLC (IFG) is registered both as a broker-dealer with FINRA and as an investment advisor with the SEC. There are several differences between brokerage and advisory services, and it is important for you to understand that our brokerage and investment advisory services are separate and distinct. Depending on your needs and your investment objectives, you may have brokerage accounts, advisory accounts or both. We want you to be informed of the differences between these types of services so you can choose the services and accounts that are right for you.
Disclosures at a glance: